Sunday, April 26, 2015


Well, I have finished my Action Research Project :)
I am so glad to be done, just the PowerPoint left to do now and then everything will be done related to this course.
I'm ready to graduate on May 9 and not have the weight of coursework hanging over me... it is really hard to keep working full time, fulfilling coursework obligations and trying to raise a family at the same time.  I will be glad to be done so I can finally start reading books for pleasure again, as I haven't had time over the last year!

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Phew! Big sigh of relief...

So, this morning I finally typed up the last part of my Action Research Project and it feels like a great weight has been lifted off of my shoulders!  I can quit yelling at my kids to be quiet while playing because I can't concentrate :)
This is my last major assignment for my Master's as I'm due to graduate on May 9th, so really the only thing left between me and graduation is some revisions to my project and creating the presentation to submit via PowerPoint. Again, I can't tell you how big the relief is!  I know my kids will be glad when I don't have homework in the evenings or on the weekends and can play with them instead.
I've enjoyed the process of the Action Research Project and it had opened my eyes to the need for this kind of research on behalf of the teachers.  Too often the research is conducted by outsiders who are looking in and don't have the insights provided by working with the population they are assessing, so action research fills a gap.  However, most teachers are incredibly overloaded as it is and do not have time to dedicate to this kind of research.  I dream of a time when the American education system adopts foreign practices that allow for teachers to spend more time in professional learning situations with colleagues, and are able to observe peers, and consult with them.  We are kept working hard in seclusion and do not have time to consult with others and find out their best practices, or are encouraged to keep our practices to ourselves because we will be evaluated on our progress, in comparison with others.
Alright, I've rambled enough for today and my eyes are crossing from staring at the computer screen for so long!  Time for some lunch with my boys.

Sunday, April 5, 2015


So... I've been slacking over the last week as it was Spring Break.  The kids and I went down to Myrtle Beach and stayed in a great hotel just down from the boardwalk.  We had a wonderful time playing on the beach, in the pool (indoors thank goodness!), eating too much ice cream and going to Family Kingdom, the theme park down there.
Now, however, it's back to reality tomorrow.  School starts again (with Composite Functions and Combinations of Functions... not pretty!) and baseball practice starts for my youngest, plus I have to finish analyzing my results to add them to my project.
It's quite strange to think that in less than a month all of this will be over and done with, to be honest I'm happy and sad.  Happy because I will get to spend more family time with my boys without having to think about homework, and sad because I will miss all the learning that I have experienced over the past few years.
Alright, time for an early night as tomorrow will be a long day!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Successful survey, but invasion of sickness again

I anguished over the questions on the survey for many days and finally bit the bullet and decided on what to include.   I limited the initial survey to 10 questions as I did not want to overwhelm anyone, especially this close to the end of the grading period!
I've been very happy with the response from our staff, so far I have 34 respondents to the survey and a lot of good data.  I've started to analyze the data, trying to find patterns according to years of experience and other variables.  The data does seem to confirm my hypothesis that most teachers have a very limited knowledge of the McKinney-Vento Act and exactly what to do when we have homeless students in our classes.
I'm leaving the survey open for a couple more days until the break and then will analyze the data some more over the break.  Afterwards I will provide the staff with a folder of information relevant to homeless students and then survey them again to see if they are better equipped to deal with them.
Okay, better sign off now... oldest son just finished taking antibiotics for strep about 10 days ago and now has horrible sore throat and congestion.  I predict a visit to the doctor in the near future and hope he doesn't feel too bad over the break as we have a couple of days at the beach planned.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Calmness ensues!

I'm feeling a little calmer today.  I've managed to get all my grades updated, I have prepared my presentation for the teachers today on Cornell notes, and I'm almost done preparing my survey questions for the staff about the McKinney-Vento Act and homelessness in students.  I plan on sending out my survey next week via google docs... just a quick question, does it invalidate the research if I bribe the teachers to respond with candy??!
I'm really getting into my research project and finding more and more information about it.  I recently found a guy who had written a book for his doctoral dissertation and that provided me with links to lots of useful information that I can use in the packet I'm going to provide to the teachers.
I approached a couple of friends and told them about the project and said I would be sending out the survey soon, and one responded with the fact that she had never dealt with a homeless student and would this be a problem.  It opened my eyes to information that I need to include with the cover email and the survey so that people don't think it's just a survey for those who have dealt with homeless students, it is for everybody to get some background on what they know about it.  So, anyway, back to my day job :)

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Problems with proposal


Sorry for all the caps but I really feel like yelling that... at the moment it is the bane of my existence, trying to get stuff in the correct format but ending up missing a comma or a parenthesis is just giving me a headache.

I've rewritten my proposal this week as the first draft was not good enough, hopefully the second go around will be better.  I still have my article review left to do but have the article and research, just need to draft it.  This week has been particularly busy, my oldest child had strep throat resulting in 3 days off school (he had lung cancer 4 years ago so we have to be careful when he gets sick with high fevers) and now I think I may have caught his strep, my throat is killing me.  I will have to get in an early bedtime tonight and try to feel better, I just don't have time to be sick right now.

My research project is coming along well, I am drafting the surveys that I will send out to staff to get their feedback on the McKinney-Vento Act and on child homelessness.  I've also set up a time to talk to the school social worker to get more information from her.  All my free time is taken up with looking for resources to read to help out my project, there is a plethora of information out there and the hardest part is finding the stuff that is worthwhile.

Okay, time to make dinner and then maybe I can go collapse into bed.  On a positive note I did receive my email with instructions on how to get my cap and gown for graduation, and I've been debating ordering a class ring as we don't do that kind of thing in Europe so I don't have anything with my undergraduate colleges on them.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Crazy week

Argh!  This week has been crazy, what with breaking up a fight outside my classroom, finding out that the kids videoed the fight and it 'went viral', applying for graduation and then realizing that I'd read the deadlines wrong... I think I need a vacation!
So I did some of my literature review but I'm finding it hard to make it cohesive and not sound too choppy, hopefully over the weekend while my mother-in-law has the kids I can have uninterrupted time to think and write.
I'd looked at the deadlines earlier in the week and thought that I had to turn mine in on Tuesday, February 17th which would have been great seeing as the 16th is President's day and there are no children at school so I'd have peace and quiet to write.  So, imagine my dismay this morning when I checked the dates and found out that my proposal is due on Sunday... hence the exclamation of dismay at the beginning of the post.
So Valentine's Day is shot, I'm going to be writing and reading all day (sorry hubby!) to try to get this done.  I know it will all be worth it in the end but I'm having trouble seeing that now, while I'm drowning in the cumulative weights of teaching, grading, cooking/cleaning, raising kids, and sleeping!
I will write another post later when I don't feel so depressed :(