Friday, February 13, 2015

Crazy week

Argh!  This week has been crazy, what with breaking up a fight outside my classroom, finding out that the kids videoed the fight and it 'went viral', applying for graduation and then realizing that I'd read the deadlines wrong... I think I need a vacation!
So I did some of my literature review but I'm finding it hard to make it cohesive and not sound too choppy, hopefully over the weekend while my mother-in-law has the kids I can have uninterrupted time to think and write.
I'd looked at the deadlines earlier in the week and thought that I had to turn mine in on Tuesday, February 17th which would have been great seeing as the 16th is President's day and there are no children at school so I'd have peace and quiet to write.  So, imagine my dismay this morning when I checked the dates and found out that my proposal is due on Sunday... hence the exclamation of dismay at the beginning of the post.
So Valentine's Day is shot, I'm going to be writing and reading all day (sorry hubby!) to try to get this done.  I know it will all be worth it in the end but I'm having trouble seeing that now, while I'm drowning in the cumulative weights of teaching, grading, cooking/cleaning, raising kids, and sleeping!
I will write another post later when I don't feel so depressed :(


Unknown said...

Hello Pippa,

It is definitely tough balancing all the necessary things to do in life and get your masters work done. This semester is also quite a challenge for me because I have a 7 month son, so this is the first semester with a kid. I have found it hard balancing the time between everything. I hope you found some time for Valentine's Day and I know in the end it will be worth it just like you said. Good luck!

Unknown said...

Hang in there, Pippa! You can do it!