Thursday, March 5, 2015

Problems with proposal


Sorry for all the caps but I really feel like yelling that... at the moment it is the bane of my existence, trying to get stuff in the correct format but ending up missing a comma or a parenthesis is just giving me a headache.

I've rewritten my proposal this week as the first draft was not good enough, hopefully the second go around will be better.  I still have my article review left to do but have the article and research, just need to draft it.  This week has been particularly busy, my oldest child had strep throat resulting in 3 days off school (he had lung cancer 4 years ago so we have to be careful when he gets sick with high fevers) and now I think I may have caught his strep, my throat is killing me.  I will have to get in an early bedtime tonight and try to feel better, I just don't have time to be sick right now.

My research project is coming along well, I am drafting the surveys that I will send out to staff to get their feedback on the McKinney-Vento Act and on child homelessness.  I've also set up a time to talk to the school social worker to get more information from her.  All my free time is taken up with looking for resources to read to help out my project, there is a plethora of information out there and the hardest part is finding the stuff that is worthwhile.

Okay, time to make dinner and then maybe I can go collapse into bed.  On a positive note I did receive my email with instructions on how to get my cap and gown for graduation, and I've been debating ordering a class ring as we don't do that kind of thing in Europe so I don't have anything with my undergraduate colleges on them.

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