Sunday, April 19, 2015

Phew! Big sigh of relief...

So, this morning I finally typed up the last part of my Action Research Project and it feels like a great weight has been lifted off of my shoulders!  I can quit yelling at my kids to be quiet while playing because I can't concentrate :)
This is my last major assignment for my Master's as I'm due to graduate on May 9th, so really the only thing left between me and graduation is some revisions to my project and creating the presentation to submit via PowerPoint. Again, I can't tell you how big the relief is!  I know my kids will be glad when I don't have homework in the evenings or on the weekends and can play with them instead.
I've enjoyed the process of the Action Research Project and it had opened my eyes to the need for this kind of research on behalf of the teachers.  Too often the research is conducted by outsiders who are looking in and don't have the insights provided by working with the population they are assessing, so action research fills a gap.  However, most teachers are incredibly overloaded as it is and do not have time to dedicate to this kind of research.  I dream of a time when the American education system adopts foreign practices that allow for teachers to spend more time in professional learning situations with colleagues, and are able to observe peers, and consult with them.  We are kept working hard in seclusion and do not have time to consult with others and find out their best practices, or are encouraged to keep our practices to ourselves because we will be evaluated on our progress, in comparison with others.
Alright, I've rambled enough for today and my eyes are crossing from staring at the computer screen for so long!  Time for some lunch with my boys.

1 comment:

Pam said...

I can relate. I am so glad that this project is almost over too. This is my last class as well. I have to review my paper again to check my APA citations. Hopefully, I will complete my presentation by Wednesday of next week. Congratulations!