Sunday, April 5, 2015


So... I've been slacking over the last week as it was Spring Break.  The kids and I went down to Myrtle Beach and stayed in a great hotel just down from the boardwalk.  We had a wonderful time playing on the beach, in the pool (indoors thank goodness!), eating too much ice cream and going to Family Kingdom, the theme park down there.
Now, however, it's back to reality tomorrow.  School starts again (with Composite Functions and Combinations of Functions... not pretty!) and baseball practice starts for my youngest, plus I have to finish analyzing my results to add them to my project.
It's quite strange to think that in less than a month all of this will be over and done with, to be honest I'm happy and sad.  Happy because I will get to spend more family time with my boys without having to think about homework, and sad because I will miss all the learning that I have experienced over the past few years.
Alright, time for an early night as tomorrow will be a long day!

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