Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Calmness ensues!

I'm feeling a little calmer today.  I've managed to get all my grades updated, I have prepared my presentation for the teachers today on Cornell notes, and I'm almost done preparing my survey questions for the staff about the McKinney-Vento Act and homelessness in students.  I plan on sending out my survey next week via google docs... just a quick question, does it invalidate the research if I bribe the teachers to respond with candy??!
I'm really getting into my research project and finding more and more information about it.  I recently found a guy who had written a book for his doctoral dissertation and that provided me with links to lots of useful information that I can use in the packet I'm going to provide to the teachers.
I approached a couple of friends and told them about the project and said I would be sending out the survey soon, and one responded with the fact that she had never dealt with a homeless student and would this be a problem.  It opened my eyes to information that I need to include with the cover email and the survey so that people don't think it's just a survey for those who have dealt with homeless students, it is for everybody to get some background on what they know about it.  So, anyway, back to my day job :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello Pippa,

I'm assuming you have already sent out your surveys and received tons of feedback. However, I noticed your question about passing out candy? Well, I was reading an article by Nancy Fjortoft (2005), "Students' Motivations for class attendances" and she provided refreshments as an incentive and for students that attended her interview during their lunch break. I also sent out a survey to students' email through google docs and about 71 students out of 100 responded with feedback about how they felt about poor attendance at the college level. Interesting findings for my project and I hope you received the same! Good Luck!